Customer Testimonials

At JUJAMA, we take great pride in our customer service to ensure our #EventProfs can run the most successful events. We take our time to configure the perfect event app for your conference or event. It warms our heart to know that our clients are happy with our...

JUJAMA to be Event App Provider for The CNS Summit 2017

JUJAMA, the leading provider of medical event apps, is pleased to be able to once again build a custom mobile conference app (app download) for the CNS Summit to be held in Boca Raton November 16-19, 2017. The CNS Summit has become the premiere event for all those...

JUJAMA on Apple’s New Policy

You may have heard about recent changes to Apples app submission guidelines. Instead of taking a knee-jerk reaction with a “cheerful” approach to funnel people into cookie-cutter apps, JUJAMA understands that all events are not the same. While we can no...

Three Can’t Miss Components of Your Next Event App

According to the 2017 Edition of the Event App Bible, the five most influential factors considered by event professionals when choosing an event app are price, app provider location, web/native capabilities, features, and the app provider’s credentials. While we can’t...